A couple of days ago, I went to a volunteer orientation for a place
called "Muttville". It's a rescue center for senior dogs. I ended up
staying for about 5 hours, cause it was so fun.
But I
had to leave Annie home, because no "stranger" dogs allowed in case the
senior dogs are carrying disease. Last week, I took Annie to the vet,
to update her shots. I'd forgotten that the rabies shot and whatever
the other one/s are... are now done every 3 years, so she was fine as
far as shots were concerned. Except the bordedella one, commonly called
the "kennel cough", so she did get that shot. I don't want to bring
any doggy diseases home.
So I was Annie-less for a
good part of the day. There's a bus stop on the same block where
Muttville is located, so it was a very short walk - that wasn't a big
There were 2 others being trained - a guy with no
experience with dogs, having never been near them even, and another
lady with an Akita at home, so she has experience with large dogs.
We walked approximately 15 dogs, taking them out in two trips. I wobbled some, but it was fine.
later on, on my way home, it was not so good. I fell between 5 to 7
times. Twice were flat out, straight down on my face.
today? And the day before? Absolute flat out on my back in bed all
the damn day long. I feel like I was beat up by 3 pit bull dogs, and
left for dead in the street where a tank then rolled over me. Even my
stomach muscles hurt. And this unfamiliar muscle between my shoulder
and shoulder blade.
It made me realize how very much
Annie does for me. It seems so simple - to walk. All I need is the
touch of either the wall, the handrail, the leash with someone at the
end of it, the the elbow on a human walking with me. Somehow, it's a
peripheral thing - touching something grounds me, however light it is.
That's why she doesn't have to be perfectly trained - all I need is for
her to walk like a lady, and I'm good.
I guess I just
have to realize that any assault to my body is a trauma. A fall is not
just maybe a skinned up knee and a bruise here or there. For me, it's a
full-on flare-up of stupid symptoms. And... it's 2 days where I can't
do anything with HeWhoLikesMe, and it makes me wonder how anyone can
like someone who disappears from life on a regular basis. He's leaving
town in a couple of days, so I may have to pull myself up by my boots
sort of thing in order to spend time with him before he leaves.
don't understand how I can sleep so much. I really don't. How can a
person sleep 20 hours a day and still feel sleepy-eyed tired? I get the
physical thing with my body, but you'd think my MIND, my BRAIN, would
feel like ... watching TV, at least?
MS, how much do I hate thee, let me count the ways...
Some other day.
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