I promised a long time ago that I'd take pictures of my little tiny
studio apartment so my friends and family back home could picture me in
pictures, so I'll split it up into 2 or 3 posts.
Home Sweet Home Oct 28, 2012 |
This is what I see when I come in the front door. I don't know why I call it the front door, cause it's not like I have a back door.
Right inside the door is the refrigerator on the right. Another step or two and I'm standing between the fridge and stove. Man, it's really clutter-y with those words hanging all over the place.
Looks like I got the Thanksgiving dish towels out too early. That's what doing laundry only once a month will do for you.
My potatoes and onion are nicely stored in the dark next to the dog food crate (that wheels out when needed twice a day). Only trouble with that is "Out of sight, out of mind". I went on a cleaning spree a couple days ago and was frightened to go any deeper cause of the vines trying to stretch up to light on the back of the file cabinets!
And that there is my kitchen. I actually love it cause I don't have to make many steps. While something is cooking, I turn around and do the dishes. Well, Michael does the dishes most of the time. I left blueberries out on the stove. whoops.
I have no cupboards, but these shelves do the job. I can't reach the mugs, but I don't use them. Michael puts things up there that he evidently doesn't want me to have or use...
The shelves behind the fridge store my cookbooks (easily reached) and plastic containers with labels for the stuff I rarely use. Like the meat grinder.
I'm seriously considering putting in a better sink without telling the landlord. What are they gonna do - charge my dead body?
I'd like a better faucet too. I should do this while Michael is here....
I have ONE drawer for silverware, and no space for canisters that could hold utensils. Several days after moving in, I found the wooden room dividers (with just 2 panels) I ripped off the fabric, bought some hooks, and ta da - a utensil holder thingy. It's really quite handy.
On another day, the tall metal rack was sitting on the street, so I stuck it in the basket on my trike and strapped it down with bungee cords.
Dirty dishes pile up in a tub underneath the sink next to the garbage can.
I love my kitchen. The fridge is little which is good cause the microwave sits on top of it.
That's it for the kitchen. Next will be the pantry, storage closet and living room.
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